Objective : To master the subject matter, be able to impart this knowledge to others using the latest teaching principles, and to become an Instructor-Esthetics and Instructor-Cosmetology. The curriculum below is common between both Instructor-Cosmetology and Instructor-Esthetics programs.
Textbook: The Standard Milady Educator, Milady Publishing Corporation, Bronx, New York, 2002 edition.
The student instructor observes and assists experienced/ licensed instructors in the performance of their duties as part of their practical learning process.
The profession is in need of well-trained, qualified teachers. This course of study is planned to present a program for the training of the personnel required to supply the need of education in the field. In addition, the course will include information on preparing a resume for seeking and obtaining employment as well as preparing for the state board exam. Instructors should attend a Continuing Education Seminar, at least once every two years.