AVI Career Training

Electrolysis in Fairfax County, VA

Electrolysis 600

Objective : To offer comprehensive studies in electrolysis, thermolysis, blend epilation, sterilization and sanitation as well as marketing strategies. Upon completion of this course, students will be confident in the permanent hair removal process.
Occupations Available: You will be able to work in an established salon or start your own business. Updated materials, articles, & magazines from different Electrology associations will also be studied. Students will review videotape presentations of Electrolysis, Thermolysis, Blend & Galvanic methods. In addition, there will be classroom discussion and demonstration on each other regarding these methods. There will be a quiz following each section of study, a mid-term, and a final exam. A final average of 70% is required to complete the course.
Textbook: Modern Electrology, By Fino Gior.
Clinical Requirements: Minimum of 25 hrs. on the general public in our Salon.

Electrolysis 600

Theory: 390 CL, Practical 210 CL. Total : 600CL Hrs.
Courses Theory Practical Total
Orientation Introduction to Electrolysis 20 20 40
Trichology ( Hair growth) 20 20 40
Endocrinology 20 20 40
Dermatology 30 30 60
Neurology & Angiology 20 20 40
Bacteriology 25 65 90
Principles of Electricity 20 80 100
Equipment 65 85 150
Business Development 20 20 40
TOTAL Cl. 240 360 600

Ready to take your career to the next level?

AVI Career Training is a nationally accredited beauty school with a reputation for excellence and unequaled customer satisfaction.